
Ansible Some common usecases - Part2

In this blog, we will explore some more common usecases which will help you in the automation.

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Checkout my article on some more Ansible usecases


  1. How to check the connectivity of nodes from the master node ?
  2. How to create a system group and user in linux ?
  3. How to create a single directory?
  4. How to create a multiple directory in linux using loop?
  5. How to remove a file ?
  6. How to check if files exist and then used when and block to execute the tasks
  7. How to assign permissions to all folders and sub-folders recursively ?
  8. How to copy from templates folder ?
  9. How to call roles from the main.yml file ?
  10. How to change the directory for a specific task ?
  11. How to import Java certs ?

Lets explore all the scenarios one by one

1. How to check the connectivity of nodes from the master node ?

  • gather_facts: This will check whether the ssh connection is setup between master and other nodes.
  • By default this command is already set to true
  • You should set this to no for the subsequent tasks to improve the performance
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: True
- hosts: children
gather_facts: no

2. How to create a system group and user in linux ?

  • We are creating a test_group group and test_user user on the linux machine
  • Setting not to create a home directory of this user
  • Setting nologin to this user
- name: "Create system group"
name: "test_group"
state: present

- name: "Create system user"
name: "test_user"
group: "test_group"
createhome: no
shell: "/sbin/nologin"
comment: "Test user"
state: present

3. How to create a single directory?

- name: Create directory
path: "/opt"
state: directory
mode: 0777
become: true

4. How to create a multiple directory in linux using loop?

  • Creating a directory by setting its owner, group and mode
  • Using with_items to iterate over multiple folders
- name: "Creating directories"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "test_user"
group: "test_group"
mode: "u=rwx,g=rx,o="
- "{{ directory_1}}"
- "{{ directory_2}}"
- "{{ directory_3}}"
- "{{ directory_4}}"
  • Create a variable FOLDER_CREATE in your variable file as shown below
- /opt
- /temp
- /test
  • Now in your playbook use this as shown below:
- name: "Creating directories"
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "test_user"
group: "test_group"
mode: "u=rwx,g=rx,o="

5. How to remove a file ?

- name: "Remove file"
path: "/tmp/"
state: absent

6. How to check if files exist and then used when and block to execute the tasks

  • Store the result in variable binary_stat if file exist
  • Use block to execute multiple tasks based on the when condition
- name: "Ensure file exists"
    path: "/opt/"
  register: binary_stat

- block:
   - name: "Remove file"
       path: "/opt/"
       state: absent
when: not binary_stat.stat.exists

7. How to assign permissions to all folders and sub-folders recursively ?

- name: "Set File permission"
path: "/tmp/test"
state: directory
recurse: yes
owner: "test_user"
group: "test_group"
mode: "go-w"

8. How to copy from templates folder ?

  • Create a file under /templates/
  • Copy it to the destination test/

- name: "copy using template
src: ""
dest: "test/"
owner: "test_user"
group: "test_group"
mode: "u=rw,g=r,o="

9 . How to call roles from the main.yml file ?

  • Below command will run the main.yml file which is present in the roles/install_java folder
- hosts: host
gather_facts: no
become: true
- include_role:
name: install_java
  • If you want to run the specific yaml file then do as shown below:
- hosts: host
gather_facts: no
become: true
- include_role:
name: installl_java
tasks_from: test.yml

10. How to change the directory for a specific task ?

  • Find the specific file and provide the path from where playbook should run using args
- name: "Ensure file exists"
path: ""
register: binary_stat
chdir: "/opt"

11. How to import java certs ?

- name: Import certs using keytool
cert_path: "test.jks"
keystore_path: "cacerts"
keystore_pass: "test"
cert_alias: "test"
executable: "keytool"
state: present
become: yes
become_user: root

Congratulations, you have successfully learnt some common usecases which will help you in the automation.

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