Configure AWS CLI

Configure AWS CLI

You need to provide the AWS access credential  to do any kind of automation

You can find the security credentials of any IAM user as shown below

You need python-pip on that machine to install awscli

yum install
sudo yum install python-pip
sudo pip install awscli --upgrade pip
Run the below command after logging to some user, for eg -ec2-user not as a root user

aws configure

Once you configured your keys using aws configure, everything is stored under

cd ~/.aws/
cat credentials

By default, a default profile is created as show below


Its best practice to create a profile and use that for any kind of automation as shown below. You can directly edit the file or run the below command to configure it

aws configure –profile profilename

[profile user2]

You can delete your default configuration as whenever you run anything without providing profile name it will automatically take the default profile name

Configure AWS CLI for cross account

Suppose you have multiple accounts , one is where you put all  your scripting code and other accounts where you want to create resources.


  1. Create IAM role on sub accounts where resources needs to be created with Admin access and you to put the account number of your scripting account
  2.  Create IAM role on  your master account and assume the role.
  3. AWS CLI doesn’t work directly by just assume the role on your EC2 instance.

region = us-west-2

#credential of builduser on pipeline account

[profile Kinesis]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::accountnumber6:role/CrossAccountRole_Kinesis
region = us-west-2
source_profile = default


Click Here for other options to configure credentials for terraform.

NOTE: If your user has MFA enabled then that user is not able to use aws cli directly and you will get authentication error


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