
Exposing Kubernetes Applications using Services

In this blog, we will explore how we can access the kubernetes applications externally using Services.

Checkout my YouTube video on this blog.


  1. Functional Kubernetes Cluster configured
  2. Kubernetes’ command-line tool, kubectl, which is the command-line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters.
  3. Clone this git repo for all the yaml files which we will be using in this blog


  1. Create a Kubernetes Cluster
  2. Firewall Rules Configured
  3. Create a POD
  4. ClusterIp Service
  5. NodePort Service
  6. LoadBalancer Service

Create a Kubernetes cluster

To get more details about how to create, please follow this blog. 

VPC Create
gcloud compute networks create vpc-k8s
Firewall rule with tag cluster 
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-ext1 --allow tcp:22,tcp:6443,icmp --network vpc-k8s  --target-tags=cluster --source-ranges
Cluster using the tag cluster 
gcloud container clusters create my-k8s-cluster --num-nodes 3 --network vpc-k8s --zone us-central1-a --tags cluster --scopes=storage-rw,compute-ro

Cluster is ready and you can run some basic commands like kubectl get nodes 

Create a Pod

This yaml file will create a pod using this docker image

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: sampleweb
tier: frontend
- name: sampleweb
image: nikhilnidhi/samplewebapp

Apply the changes and check the pods details

kubectl apply -f sample-pod.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pod -o wide
  • Each Kubernetes Pod gets its own IP address. 
  • used for pod-to-pod communication
  • not for routing external traffic to pods

 Hence, you will not be able to access this IP outside the cluster.

Access the url from inside the pod using the pod-ip and the port on which your application is listening using below command:

kubectl exec -it sampleweb -- sh

samplweb – podname – internal IP of the pod

8080 – port on which my application is running

This is how you can access your application from inside the pod.

Kubernetes Services

Kubernetes provides a concept called a Service to abstract the network access to your application’s pods. 

A Service acts as a network proxy to accept network traffic from external users and then distributes it to internal pods. 

How we will be create a relation between pods and services ? How a service will know about the Pods?

 Kubernetes uses labels, which are defined in the pod definitions, and label selectors, which are defined in the Service definition, to describe this relationship.

Types of Services
  1. ClusterIP 
  2. NodePort 
  3. LoadBalancer


cluster-ip is the default service if you don’t provide the type in yaml then this service will automatically get created.

It is good for debugging purposes

Let’s create a Service using this file

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: sampleweb
tier: frontend
type: ClusterIP
- port: 82
targetPort: 8080

Run the command

kubectl apply -f sample-service-clusterIP.yaml
kubectl get pods --show-label

 Check the Service — You should be able to see the service sampleweb

kubectl get svc

Now we can access using the cluster IP of your service

kubectl exec -it sampleweb -- sh


Now we will create a NodePort Service to enable external users to access the internal pods without entering the cluster. 

If the nodes in your cluster have external IP addresses, find the external IP address of one of your nodes using below command:

kubectl get nodes --output wide

Let’s create a NodePort Service using this file

You can specify the nodePort also in the yaml file or you can let cluster automatically generated a port for you.

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: sampleweb
tier: frontend
type: NodePort
- port: 82
targetPort: 8080

Check the service

kubectl get service

Port 30345is an auto-generated port that’s exposed on every node, which is done intentionally so that external users can access it.

For you to access it on the browser you need to open this port using below command 

gcloud compute firewall-rules update allow-ext1 --allow tcp:30345

After this you can use the node-externalip and browse it using below url


 Under the hood, there are several layers of traffic transitions that make this happen:

  • The first layer is from the external user to the machine IP at the auto-generated random port (30345).
  • The second layer is from the random port (30345) to the Service IP (10.X.X.X) at port 82.
  • The third layer is from the Service IP (10.X.X.X) ultimately to the pod IP at port 8080.


Create a LoadBalancer service

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: my-deployment-50001
app: products
department: sales
replicas: 3
app: products
department: sales
- name: hello
image: "gcr.io/google-samples/hello-app:2.0"
- name: "PORT"
value: "50001"

Run the below command

kubectl apply -f sample-deployment.yaml

Create a service

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-lb-service
type: LoadBalancer
app: products
department: sales
- protocol: TCP
port: 60000
targetPort: 50001

Run the below command

kubectl apply -f 
kubectl get service my-lb-service --output yaml

Wait a few minutes for GKE to configure the load balancer.

In your browser’s address bar, enter the following:

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