How to update AWS ECS service

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To update a ECS service using script you can use the below command Checkout my YouTube video on this blog. Parameters required Cluster Name Service Name aws ecs update-service –cluster ecsdeployment –service ecsdeployment-WebService-AP1WCLw9qhgn –force-new-deployment –region us-east-1 In some cases, this command didn’t update the service and if you need to run just one container for […]


How to use one AWS loadbalancer for multiple services

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When you have multiple applications which are running inside an ECS cluster or anywhere else then how can you use just one loadbalancer for all the applications. Using separate loadbalancer for each of the services/applications will be more expensive as each LB cost around $15/month and if you have 5 services then this would be […]


AWS Lambda for beginners with example

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In this blog we will learn about AWS Lambda and create a lambda function. Check out my Youtube video on this article. What is Serverless Compute ? Serverless compute is a cloud computing execution model in which the AWS Cloud acts as the server and dynamically manages the allocation of machine resources. AWS Lambda is the […]



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AWS::CloudFormation::Interface This helps how to modify the ordering and presentation of parameters in the AWS CloudFormation console. Check out my Youtube video on this article By default, parameters display in an alphabetical order by their logical IDs The AWS::CloudFormation::Interface metadata key uses two child keys, ParameterGroups (you could group all EC2-related parameters in one group […]


AWS CloudFormation Init with Examples

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In this blog, we will explore AWS CloudFormation Init and will create an example of using all the cfn-init concepts You can check my Youtube video on this article. Agenda Basics of CloudFormation::Init cfn-init cfn-signal cfn-hup AWS::CloudFormation::Init Use the AWS::CloudFormation::Init type to include metadata on an Amazon EC2 instance  AWS::CLOUDFORMATION::INIT: RESOURCE METADATA “Resources”: { “MyInstance”: { […]


AWS CloudFormation For Beginners with Examples

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In this blog, we will explore AWS CloudFormation with examples. Check out my Youtube video on this article. Prerequisite Clone this git repo AWS Account Setup Agenda: CloudFormation Concepts (Stacks & ChangeSet) Parameters Mappings Conditions Outputs AWS CloudFormation is used to describe and provision all of the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment. This is […]


Jenkins Installation on AWS EC2 Linux Instance

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This blog will guide you through a detailed but yet easy steps for Jenkins installation on AWS ec2 linux instance. However in order to launch linux instance on AWS, follow this blog. If you want to see the video for this article, click here Prerequisite: Java 8 is a prerequisite. To Install Oracle JDK,  Click […]