
Manage inventory file for ansible playbook

In this blog we will explore how can we manage inventory file for the ansible playbook.

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Problem Statement:

  • There is a clustered application ( 2 application nodes and 1 database node), now how will you run your different playbooks for different nodes. For ex- you will be having different task to be done like install java on application node but that same task is not required on the database node


We need to maintain the inventory file as shown below:

  • We have created a tag [all] and provide all the host values
  • We have created two other tags, one for application and one for database
  • We have created one more tag to exclude the second application node
application-0 ansible_host=
application-1 ansible_host=
database-0    ansile_host=



How to call in main.yml file ?

  • We will provide the tag name as per our inventory in the playbook where particular role needs to be executed


  • Check SSH connectivity on all the nodes
- hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
  • Install java on all the application nodes
- hosts: application-nodes[0:] 
gather_facts: yes
- include_role:
name: install_java
  • Install java only on first application nodes
- hosts: application-nodes[1]
  gather_facts: yes
    - include_role:
        name: install_java
  • Install java only on first application node and database node, exclude the second application node
 - hosts: all-nodes-exclude-second[0:]
   gather_facts: no
     - include_role:
         name: install_java

Like this you can create your inventory file as per your project need. I have provided some sample scenario that can help you how to Manage inventory files for ansible playbook

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