
Integrate Terraform with Jenkins

In this blog, we will Integrate Terraform with Jenkins

First you need to install plugin

Go to Manage Jenkins — Install Plugin — Terraform

Now configure Terraform

Manage Jenkins ->Global Tool Configuration

To store AWS Secret Key

Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Set environment variable

Now create a pipeline job

pipeline {
 agent any
 stages {
 stage(‘checkout’) {
 steps {
 git branch: ‘develop’, url: ‘git@your url’
 stage(‘Set Terraform path’) {
 steps {
 script {
 def tfHome = tool name: ‘Terraform’
 env.PATH = “${tfHome}:${env.PATH}”
 sh ‘terraform — version’
 stage(‘Provision infrastructure’) {
 steps {
 sh ‘terraform init’
 sh ‘terraform plan -out=plan’
 // sh ‘terraform destroy -auto-approve’
 sh ‘terraform apply plan’
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