
What is Sonarqube

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Sonarqube is a tool to check the code quality and provides a platform to write a cleaner and safer code for the developers. It provides the dashboard for a user to show all the issues related to their code like security issues,vulnerability issues, bugs,code smells etc. If you want to see the video for this […]


CI/CD using Jenkins Pipeline as code

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Jenkins Pipeline Pipeline annexes a strong set of automation tools onto Jenkins. It assists use cases covering from simple to comprehensive continuous integration/delivery pipelines. This blog will provide easy steps to implement CI/CD using Jenkins Pipeline as code. Furthermore it will integrate Jenkins, Github, SonarQube and JFrog Artifactory. Job –> Pipeline As Job is a […]


CI/CD using Jenkins job

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Jenkins Jenkins is a self-contained (Java-based program), open source automation server. It is used by various organizations to perform DevOps practices, like Continuous Integration and Continuous delivery.  With the help of its extendable architecture through plugins, it can easily be integrated with myriads of tools and can easily implement CI/CD using Jenkins job both manually […]


Jenkins integration with SonarQube

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In this blog, we will do the Jenkins integration with SonarQube. This will help you to check the quality of code using an automated CI/CD pipeline job. Prerequisite Jenkins Installation Sonarqube Installation “Quality cannot be inserted afterwards, rather it must be part of the process.” As a good practice in a development team, it is […]