Devops Tools

What is Continuous Integration?

Definition : 

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice that requires developers to integrate their code into a shared repository at regular intervals (usually each person integrates at least daily – leading to multiple integrations per day). Further, e52ach integration/ check-in is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors  as quickly as possible.

– Martin Fowler

What is the essence of CI?

At a regular interval (ideally at every commit), the system is:

  • Firstly, INTEGRATED:  All changes up until the point of last commit are combined into the project.
  • BUILT: The code is compiled into an executable package.
  • TESTED: Automated suits are run.
  • ARCHIVED: Versioned & stored so it can be distributed as is, if desired.
  • Finally, DEPLOYED: Loaded onto a system where developers can interact with it.
"Continuous Integration doesn't get rid of bugs, however it does make them dramatically easier to find and remove"

                      - Martin Fowler

Why  CI is required? 

Earlier, a team of developers used to work in isolation for long. The code/changes in the code are only merged to the master branch of the shared repository, once the work gets finished. Consequently, this resulted into a difficult and time-consuming merging code process, which also lead to bugs accumulation for an extended period without correction. These elements made it tough to deliver updates quickly to end-users.

CI Benefits:
  • Immediate bug detection for remediation
  • Improves productivity of developers : it free developers from manual tasks and encourages practices that help in reducing errors released to end-users.
  • Faster updates delivery to the end-users: It creates a  deployable system at any given point of time.
  • Above all, record of evolution of project.
CI Tool set:
  1. Code Repositories : SVN, Mercurial, Git etc.
  2. Continuous Build System : Jenkins, Bamboo, Cruise Control, TeamCity, Apache Gumbp etc. (Click 10 Best DevOps tools for Continuous Integration ).
  3. Test Frameworks : JUnit, Cucumber, Cpp Unit etc.
  4. Artifact Repositories : Nexus, Artifactory, Archiva etc.

Furthermore, click here to start using Jenkins, Git, Artifactory, SonarQube etc.

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