Jenkins Installation on AWS EC2 Linux Instance

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This blog will guide you through a detailed but yet easy steps for Jenkins installation on AWS ec2 linux instance. However in order to launch linux instance on AWS, follow this blog. If you want to see the video for this article, click here Prerequisite: Java 8 is a prerequisite. To Install Oracle JDK,  Click […]


SSH between two AWS EC2 Ubuntu 16.04 instances

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    This blog will enumerate the steps required to setup a password less ssh connection between two AWS EC2 Ubuntu 16.04 instances. Now a days, the trend is to host the webserver (like Apache2, tomcat, rail etc) on cloud (like Amazon Web Services). Thus setting up the ssh connection between the servers on the […]


Installing Java & Jenkins on AWS ec2 Ubuntu 16.04

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With this blog you will get insight into the process of installing Java & Jenkins on AWS ec2 Ubuntu 16.04. Pre-requisite: For this lab to proceed, following are the pre-requirements Two AWS ec2 instances with AMI as Ubuntu 16.04 being launched. One AWS ec2 Ubuntu instance with Apache2 and php installed (Click here to learn […]


Jenkins installation on AWS ec2 linux instance

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This blog will guide you through a detailed but yet easy steps for Jenkins installation on AWS ec2 linux instance. However in order to launch linux instance on AWS, follow this blog. Prerequisite: Java 8 is a prerequisite.You can Click here to install Java. Jenkins installation on AWS ec2 linux instance: Step 1. Firstly, add Jenkins […]


Launching Linux Instance on EC2

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Amazon EC2 It is an AWS primary web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It can be used to launch instances (e.g. Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, Databases) on cloud. This blog will guide with easy steps for Launching Linux Instance on EC2 (Elastic Compute). What is Elastic Compute? Compute refers to the amount […]